Friday, February 21, 2014

February 20th Love Your Pet Day

Featured on Houzz Homepage -- Our "famous" Utility Room noted for sharing the love with pets!

Here's How to Show Your Pet Even More Love

DesignStudio2010's Belvedere Utility Room (shown 14 photos down) gains huge popularity giving the family feline a private place to do their business.

Like what you see?  Then recommend our post and "like" us on Facebook!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Best of Houzz 2014!

Thanks loyal followers, design peers, and clients for voting our Belvedere Laundry Room into the Houzz: Best of Remodeling 2014 - Austin (Laundry). We're honored to be among the Houzz stars!

If you like this, check out the rest of the Belvedere Project at Design Studio 2010, and like us at Facebook too!